Saturday, June 4, 2011

Welcome to "Kiss and Tell"

Welcome to "Kiss and Tell".

Romance novels can be sweet, subtle, funny, inspirational, sensual, or erotic. Only two things are required: a relationship between one man and one woman and a guaranteed happy ending. The time, setting, tone, climate and plot varies from novel to novel, shaped by the author's talent. However, the demands of romance readers ensure that a life long commitment is forged between the hero and heroine and that they "live happily ever after". Kiss and Tell will focus on the joy of romance, the thrill of a love affair, and the passion of an intimate relationship. The page is designed for readers, writers, and lovers of Romance.

Expect candid reviews of romance novels, lively interviews with successful authors, and artful themes to satisfy avid romance readers. Did you ever dream that you would be interviewing your favorite hero or heroine? What questions would you ask? Which actresses or actors could best portray your favorite character(s) and successfully bring him/her to the T.V. or movie screen? If you were stranded on an uncharted island, which hero would you select to share the time with you? We will give the vistors to Kiss and Tell an opportunity to participate in some interesting romantic situations and share their responses. We also invite you to let us know which books you are reading. We can't read every one and we don't want to miss any of them.

The ROMANCE TRIVIA feature will test your knowledge and challenge your mind. So many books, so little time! Do you remember the special gift the hero sends or brings to the heroine that catches her attention, helps him get his foot in the door or cements their relationship? What was the catalyst that propelled the characters to respond to their physical attraction? ROMANCE TRIVIA features material that will test your knowledge and challenge your mind.

As Kiss and Tell unfolds, you will find ideas for creating the romantic mood, share comments to probing questions, tap the minds of readers on related issues, and explore the unique pleasures of every aspect of true Romance. This site will expand beyond the limits of imaginative stories and classic convention. Kiss and Tell forms a potpourri for the heart, soul, and mind.

Let the journey begin!

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